UK Ladybird Survey
7-spot ladybird on borage
The UK Ladybird Survey aims to encourage the recording of all species of ladybird found within the UK.
Ladybirds belong to the scientific family Coccinellidae. In Britain, some 46 species belong to this family, although only 26 of these are recognisable as ladybirds.
On this website you will find lots of information to help you find and identify species, and online forms so that you can record your observations.
Use the links in the menu at the side of this page to find out more about ladybirds.
The invasion of the harlequin ladybird (海外永久免费软件加速器) threatens our native ladybirds and other species. We have been using the records that you send to the UK Ladybird Survey to explore the ways in which native ladybirds are responding to the harlequin ladybird. If you want to know more about this species in particular see our summary: A decade of recording harlequin ladybirds in the UK.
The UK Ladybird Survey website has been added to the UK Beetle Recording website
We hope that you will enjoy exploring the webpages relating to other beetles alongside the ladybird pages.
Please do send us feedback and comments: 免费海外网站加速器下载
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